Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Huerfano Motives, Themes, Messages

Motives to write:
1) I'm working through my feelings like anger, guilt, sadness, betrayal, shame, paralyzing fear, numbness towards doing The Work, the emotional reproductive labor. I have an obligation as a privileged person to do this emotional labor of processing guilt rather than numbing against it, perpetuating inequities. I struggled with "being worthy" of this work, and realized that was a way to avoid and to numb, so I'm going deeper through my feelings. I'm also integrating feelings about relationships with the trauma I experienced the past decade with my work in academia and through a doctoral program (May not end up in this project, but it's all connected).
2) My grandmother requested that I write "her" story for her in 1993, when I began research for this project. She passed away in 2015 during the first weeks of my full-time doctoral studies, and in late 2018 I had a big breakthrough with a DNA test match which answered the huge question mark, perhaps life-defining question mark for her, about the identity of the father of the baby she conceived at the end of WWII, a baby which she was forced to put up for adoption, to orphan, by her religious family. That baby was my father, and his life experience and orphaning, adopting, and othering transferred to me somehow (lots more self-reflection development needed here lol).
3) Solving a mystery, explaining my origin story, making sense of pain, figuring the purpose of why I exist. Hopefully some of that resonates and inspires.
4) I'm motivated to create being-in-relationshipness (inspired by Indigenous scholars like Kim TallBear), naming power structures based on difference (my thinking with feminist theory a la Jackson & Mazzei), and the consequences of subscribing (even unthinkingly) to them. Inspiring a revolution of connectedness.
5) Model fearlessness for others, for other writers to tell stories rather than keep secrets, empowering those protected by silence, and disempowering the secret keepers who create the conditions that enable predators, exploiters, and absent-minded-taking-advantage-of-others.

What themes? Orphaning (as a verb--I'm thinking of the project or part of the project as a concept analysis of Orphan, but I'm also using the Spanish word for Orphan, Huerfano, to construct/deconstruct new meanings, also being pedagogical in my writing by "teaching" my new meaning of Orphan/Huerfano, encouraging readers to discard their preconceived notions), adoption, DNA relatives, partus sequitur ventum (Latin for descendant from the womb, or social status conferred by the mother's social status), Hypodescent (from the US legal construct of chattel slavery (1619 project) which refers to "automatic assignment by the dominant culture of children of a mixed union between members of different socioeconomic groups or ethnic groups to the subordinate group" (Kottak, Conrad P. "Chapter 11: Ethnicity and Race." Mirror for Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009, p. 238), family-like non-family relations, Whiteness as a construct, patrilinealism, abortion, The book "Somebody's Baby" (Charlotte Vale Allen, 1995) which my grandmother gifted me as a story which resonated with her experience, Human trafficking, kidnapping, inherited privilege, consent, branding, paternalism (I wrote about the last four in my dissertation as well)

What messages? Love everyone, radical inclusion, connectedness, abandonment of Whiteness as a un-reflected construct, abandonment of Whiteness as a source of power. You can't hide from the (truth). Secrets come to light and heal all involved. Reconciliation. Disrupting inherited privilege, making it right, restoring integrity. Be fearless in stretching brittle relationships to change their shape.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Unfinished business

The #metoo movement has me revisiting unfinished business.

The "let go of your anger so you don't destroy the vessel" advice that got me through tough times did enable me to survive them, but now that I'm out of danger (for now) I'm revisiting the anger.

Sexual assault. Sexual harassment.

I was telling someone the broader story of my career and he said "why aren't you furious?"

Oh god.  Being furious is paralyzing when the fury does nothing but destroy the vessel.

So furious. And also, yoga and herbal tea and writing and organizing and building the world I want.  Investing my energies where it is most productive.  Walking in beauty.  Greeting the day with joy.

And also, I no longer care to think charitably on ambiguous behavior by men.  Years ago a male faculty colleague of mine told me about one of his students having an abortion.  I thought, wow, he must have a really good classroom dynamic and rapport with his students that they feel so comfortable talking with him about their personal lives!  And now, thinking back, I'm not sure he wasn't the cause of that pregnancy.  I'm bracing myself to learn every man I know, my father, my brother, close friends, my exes, my boyfriend--all of them may have a story which will come to light.

Baseball metaphor of "getting to first base" treats women as the playing field.  I suggest men compare their RBI stats as well--assisting a partner to an orgasm.

Branding, Inherited privilege

I wrote a dissertation about inherited privilege,consent and branding.  It was supposed to be about curriculum.  It was a feminist paper, so I was deep in thinking about power structures based on difference, such as based on a daddy claiming you.

Brand as a marketing shorthand.  Brand as a patronymic last name.  Brand as a literal scar burned into flesh. Self-branding, enhancing one's brand, monetizing one's brand.

It was inspired by many things which were around me:

1) Game of Thrones structures of battles for houses based on legitimate and illegetimate male heirs.

2) The #metoo movement and recognition of how far organizations will go to protect the brand's value, including silencing victims' complaints, gaslighting, celebrating the perpetrator's successes.

How could anybody have you and lose you and not lose their mind, too?


Feelings about entangling and detangling, the beginnings and endings of relationships.

Choices about staying in relationship versus letting go

Forgiveness versus Reconciliation

Remembering what I already forgot, in the no longer and not yet.

Having the queasy sense of looking at an alternative timeline--what would have happened if...?

And deciding it would have been awful.  Yes, decidedly, it would have had to have been awful.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Relationships and Storytelling

Our work is based on relationships and storytelling. 


Storytelling builds the relationships, empathy, compassion, identification, solidarity.

Relationships generate the stories.  Retelling the stories reinforces the relationship.

Concilience, Reconciliation

In my dissertation methodology and conclusion, I wrote about the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.

I'm aware that re-conciliation, looks like it has a root with concilience,

My work with regenerative ag/Quivira coalition led me to the word concilience in relation to resilience--knowledge systems working together.

In my work with researching feminist epistemologies, where was concilience?  How might I reconcile ontologies?

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Blogging as first drafting...

June allows for some time to structure my adoption story, so here I pre-write some ideas (pre-writing is writing).

Part of the story is about human trafficking, abortion

inherited privilege

relationship to my dissertation research, writing with, writing against

naming structures

military and paternalist structures

thinking with Handmaid's Tale