I watched the film "Symphony of the Soil" last night. It was about soil health and different ways that agricultural practices either deplete the soil or regenerate it. Soil depleting practices lead to weaker and weaker soil that needs more stuff added to it to achieve its goals of sustaining life. Regenerative practices actually make the soil more resilient year after year, providing higher yield of foods.
At this Valentine holiday, I look around me and see people in soul depleting relationships as well as in regenerative relationships. It seems that the soul depleting relationships also require more and more stuff added to them in order to be "sustainable."
I am so greatful for the loving relationships in my life that are regenerative. I've also been cultivating my own rich soil, dense with hope. I'm stronger, healthier, happier because of the lovefest I cocreate!
Let love rule.
Love, Love, Love! Thank you, Karen!