If I witness a crime, what is my responsibility to stop it?
What is the perpetrator's responsibility to stop themselves?
What is my responsibility to prevent it from happening in the future?
What is the perpetrator's responsibility to prevent it happening in the future?
"I think we need to find ways of dealing with this finding from the research: critiques of neoliberalism in the academy, audit culture, equality as audit culture, policies as policing, are not only useful to, but frequently used by, serial abusers. #complaintasfeministpedagogy"
Thinking of that nice music professor who complained about the student who was stalking her, asking if her office could be moved, if there was a way for her to feel safe at work. I think she left the next year.
Reading about the gig economy/passion economy: https://linksiwouldgchatyou.substack.com/p/the-passion-economy-is-a-ploy?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMjY4NDg1LCJwb3N0X2lkIjozMzE4MDQ4OCwiXyI6IlgvY3VqIiwiaWF0IjoxNjE0OTYxODYxLCJleHAiOjE2MTQ5NjU0NjEsImlzcyI6InB1Yi04ODI2Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.6mHQFKehd5Oh2gSRkgH-CFWFxRHnOjZp1Q6vg7n5TA8&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share
Connects to my research, and my present praxis, in that the economic model is changing, and I'm seeing it change through thinking with feminist theory.
The coercion of employers, the protection of abusers within systems, all of that gets left behind when a person has autonomy to choose work engagements. That's the big scary thing for those invested in the status quo of precarity and exploitation. Better to just "let nature takes it course," let the employees leave one way or another, and are replaced by someone who hopefully doesn't encounter that same [structural] problem.
A public scholar is a person whose adjunct contract wasn't renewed. An academic orphan. No institution which establishes legitimacy, just a dusty degree, some student evaluations and outdated letters of recommendation from an old deceased advisor.
Coach Kelly and I did a zoom session on Soccer Symphony this week:
My big takeaway was that communicating on the soccer field or in an ensemble (or within a community) involves listening, recognizing, anticipating what others' need. That it's not just about kicking the ball away from me, getting rid of a "problem" of a defender on me, for example, but about sending it forward in a way that is useful to my teammate, that is furthering our shared goal. Maybe I can keep that defender closer to me which gives her an opportunity to break free and position herself to score a goal.
UBI and Land Back
Daanis on Land Back
"In their essay, Decolonization is not a metaphor; Eve Tuck and K Wayne Chang assert that decolonization is not interchangeable with other ideas about social justice and human rights. It’s not something we do along with accessibility and anti-racist work. It is profoundly different and asks much more from Canada and its citizens. At the core, it means restoring land and recognizing sovereignty.
We are not one of many minority groups in a nation of immigrants.We are the original people and if we existed then as independent sovereign people, then the Americas and it’s people need to reckon with what that means today.
At what point did we give up our sovereignty?I put it to you that we did not.
That every treaty and agreement we made was, from our point of view, an agreement between equals in which our sovereignty, our collective independent existence, was the authority by which we made these agreements.
In a very real sense, it was we who recognized you and dealt with you, newly arrived on our lands, as if you were sovereign entities like us."
[Recognition essential, noticing, repeated positive/neutral contacts, predicting, anticipating, responding to--being in relation, becoming, a perpetual chain of choices, establishing a pattern, a blockchain of history of interaction which creates reality]
Noticing nature leads to connectedness:
"Having a strong connection to nature leads people to undertake actions that help conserve the natural world. This isn’t surprising: those who feel psychologically close to and value nature are more likely to make an effort to conserve it. Recently we wondered whether this relationship is reciprocal. That is, we wondered whether taking steps to conserve biodiversity might actually connect people more strongly to nature." [Deep listening, Public Bees, accessible beehives, visible beehives, as on the roofs of restaurants. I should approach the restaurants on KK about having bees on their roofs. Publicly visible.]
Would you like to have honeybee hives on the roof of your restaurant?
MKE Wannabeekeepers
Woman-owned, Veteran-owned
QR code to link to contact form
I've been beekeeping since 2004, mentoring new beekeepers since 2012.
I want to make this work for you--if you want me to take care of the whole process, providing you with jars of your own honey, we can do that. If you want to be totally hands-on, learning to manage your own hives and basically have me as a phone call away person who can talk you through a swarm or make house calls? I can do that too.
I will be receiving bees mid-May 2021, and must place my equipment and queen/nuc orders by the end of April.
Link to 2020 pricing (will be updated with 2021 soon): [google sheet budget]
preferred method of contact, or suggest other:
When is good time to discuss:
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