This week I'm talking/reading/writing about ADOPTION. As some of you know, I'm writing a longer form book/collection of essays on the ideas of orphaning, self-orphaning, constructs of Whiteness, legitimacy, and threads from/through a relative's adoption at the end of WWII.
I'm using this blog post to hold some of the articles I'm reading:
Owens, Rudy (2018). You don't know how lucky you are: An adoptee's journey through the American adoption experience BFD Press: Portland, OR. ISBN 978-0-692-82156-5
Adoption Documentary "Closure"
Also have been investigating connections with Tribal Schools, MMIW, Missing Women and Children, forced separations at the border, Christian forces in adoption coercion. I follow a lot of great writers on twitter who tweet their work, as cited above.
I have a math question I am working to form: there were 3.5 M GIs who returned to the US at the end of WWII, 1945. There were an estimated 3.5 M adoptions facilitated between the end of WWII and passing of Roe v Wade in early 1970s. "Estimated" because adoption records were intentionally destroyed without consequence, and places which might have been archives for such records (a hospital which operates in a building which used to be a Maternity Home, for example) did not see it necessary to preserve such documents with their records. There was an explosion of these types of hospitals and living arrangements for pregnant women in those years, as well as the proliferation of orphanages to care for children. 1945 was the "click" preceding the Baby Boom. The decades of the 40s and 50s saw the growth of the White middle class, the White suburbs, the White flight from cities, the building of the "good schools" in the suburbs, with their zip codes of high property values, the SAT correlation with zip code. The click which launched the legitimacy claim connecting white passing Christians cis-het people with their sense of entitlement to a caste above.
(Isabel Wilkerson, “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent”)
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