Sunday, February 19, 2017

Promposals and privilege

There is a high schooler who is excited about her first relationship, her first girlfriend. However, because her girlfriend isn't out, doesn't feel safe to be out, they are keeping their relationship on the "down low".  When people ask the high schooler why she isn't dating anyone, she has to make up excuses to keep the secret.

I hate this.  I hate that this young person cannot have the validation of an acknowledged relationship. In a season of promprosals, she's already learning the toxic skills of hiding a relationship, of the nature of power and silence to the detriment of her own pleasure, her own confidence in her worthiness as a person deserving of love.

I understand that this is how things need to be right now.  I don't know the circumstances of the girlfriend, but I understand that young people risk ostracism, abuse, even homelessness if their parents don't accept them. I know hate crimes against LGBTQ+ teens are real.  I'm glad these two young women have each other.

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