Sunday, June 19, 2011


Triangles, Triangulation, Triads... three things, three ideas, three people in relation to each other.  Dyads turning into Triads.  Dynamic tension and creativity, possibilities within boundaries, and new frontiers...

Three things...I now have three hives of bees.  As soon as I finish this blog post, I'll head out to the farm to see how they are doing.  Two hives are of one style; the third is different.  I will compare the three throughout the season.  I'm eager to see how they interact with each other. There is strength in numbers, and I'm hopeful that if there are any problems I can combine and recombine the three into new possibilities (possibili-bees?).

Three ideas.... Talking with a friend yesterday, he kept posing either/or questions, seemingly like he predecided the answers for me.  I kept having to rephrase the question into one I could answer.  This is my example of the dynamic tension between twos and threes--he was pulling the conversation in one direction--either or--and I wanted to insert my own perspective--the third.  I'm sure there is a musical connection here, too--the one and the five of a triad, with the third (major or minor?) determining more meaning.

Three people, third wheel, the other "other", three examples of three triads... Two friends plus a new friend equals jealousy, comparison.  Potential for more fun, but also for toxic triangulation, positioning, gossiping. A stable pair, with a third wheel, disrupts balance, brings attention to the stability. The other "other", the grass is greener; I see more with him because I saw with him.

Sigh of relief

good news... I got my test results, and they were "negative" which is positive.  Negative for cancer.  Huge sigh of relief.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Good news!

Quick update ... got test results and all is well. Thanks for the well wishes :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bee update and more 6/12/2011

Checked on the hive established at John and Trudi Kretsingers' on Thursday. They are so super mellow, and seemingly without queen.  My mind has been trying to work out what it means...perhaps the old queen absconded with a bunch of bees and they are raising out a new queen. I didn't even wear gloves or my bee suit.

The raised knobby cells look like drone cells or queen cells. I'm hoping queen cells.

Another bee photo...I'm in Taos this weekend for the wedding of Brian Rauscher and Justin Wheeler at El Monte Sagrado.  Here are some happy honey bees on lavender at this fabulous resort.  The weather is beautiful, warm, breezy.  The flowers are blooming.  An excellent setting for this happy event.

And more bee news this week: Jen Johnson, sometime bee partner of mine, moved two of our four hives to the Kretsinger farm for me yesterday.  We started beekeeping together in 2009, but it was difficult to share responsibilities and decision making.  I'm thinking our challenges were similar to how a beehive can only have one queen.  :)

And a tangential health update... Wednesday I had a biopsy of a very small dot on my cervix.  I should have results tomorrow and will give an update here.  I'm feeling good, upbeat, hopeful that the results will be good, and even if they're not as good, I'm upbeat, hopeful about the next course of action based on the results.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Magnifying your Brilliance

I met a marketing person at a beekeeping class in Crestone, CO, this weekend who saw her work as "magnifying others' brilliance." Awesomeness.

As I left the office today, I said to my colleague, Jamie, "Not only do we get to make our own dreams come true, but we get to help others make their dreams come true.  How cool is that?"

Things are getting busy. I've got some travel coming up in the next several months: Taos, Denver, New York, Green River, UT, Atlanta, Milwaukee/Oconomowoc.  There are multiple situations that are potentially in a state of simultaneous meltdown at work, which may or may not work themselves out without my intervention.  Good things are happening, too: grant money flowing in, love affirmations, creative collaborations, work created, students learning, bees humming.

I'm feeling that as I get more busy, I want to write more.  It helps me think, helps me be. I am thrilled when I can think my way through a problem to a solution, and I can think of two situations where my solution help may have a real impact on other peoples' lives.

I'm also loving on myself.  At the bee workshop, I saw this beautiful Kenya-style top-frame hive.  It looks like a musical instrument to me.  It is now mine.